RS031 The final ship officially recorded as having arrived in Ras Huran’s harbour is the Third Hand, a small merchant vessel which made regular runs to and from Ras Aeos, transporting ash-removing solvents and other janitorial supplies before the tides destroyed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for qebrus
RS032 Blue sasm are a ubiquitous fruit, for the simple fact that the shrubs from which they grow are hearty enough to flourish even without erjan intervention in ash-heavy environments. In fact, many believe that ash is itself responsible for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS033 Effective advertisement is a prized skill in Erj. Those with the ability to manipulate desire with colour, word, or song are looked upon with a degree of veneration by the masses, and artists of all disciplines can usually find[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS034 The yatac is the consummate domestic animal, used for labour, transport, and even a source of food. Yatac in general respond well to direction and can survive on very little, and this inexpensive, compliant apathy makes them many a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS035 The likeness of a yatac’s horn to the ring of the sun is lost on few. To the nomadic suneaters, yatac are terrestrial heralds of their god Tholus—the sun itself—sent to Erj to stand watch for the coming Night.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS038 As the erjan god of existence, Nyue is generally considered in higher regard than her mother—she is associated with the material world and is most often perceived to be responsible for benevolent occurrences, including life itself. Some honour her for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS039 The land surface of Erj is almost totally barren, save for laborously-tended regions such as erjan farms, or the sylph city state of Llyri. What vegetation is able to survive unsupervised is usually very sparse—common are small succulents and lichens, the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS040 For all its blistering heat, the erjan sun makes an excellent preservative, helping dry for storage nearly anything one may deign to later ingest. Everything from meat to sasm are seasoned and left to dry, often for days—and the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS044 The cartographer credited with having first mapped all of Erj is Uatio of Nulspire, an erjan sage who purportedly spent decades travelling to the corners of the world—and braving the dangers therein—to create the standard projection used today by[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS045 Llyran produce is preferred throughout Erj for its exceptional ability to help clear one’s respiratory system of ash. This is primarily due to sylph agricultural and horticultural practices, which yield a particularly potent effect. However, any plant capable of surviving on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…