RS085 Owing to Llyri’s ashlessness, trees and assorted flora are much easier to grow within the city. Through centuries of careful cultivation, many species have become themselves a deterrent to ash, granting Llyri a tenuous natural layer of defense, that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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RS086 The creation of an ash-free environment takes more than one’s proximity to water and trees. Beyond horticulture, another discipline at which sylph excel is ventilation. Through the generations, the sylph have gained a singularly excellent understanding of air and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS087 It is a common myth throughout Erj that Thralls of Ybris are themselves a distinct, monstrous species, and many an erjan child is kept within parentally-defined boundaries by a fear they may be spirited away, should they stray too[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS088 Thralls bear a hatred for all that continues to be—and that hatred burns for no particular group more than the sylph, who also worship Ybris. However, to the sylph, the interpretation of Ybris as nothingness, as the Void, is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS089 The designless obliteration of all things is not the only way in which thralls venerate Ybris’ perfect absence of being—those few souls who have survived an encounter or bore witness from afar have returned with stories of ritual sacrifice,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS090 The encumbrance of Templar armour is a necessary evil; however, the burden is substantially lessened on the home front. While the armour was designed around the immense size and shape of the preexisting filtration units scavenged from continual archaeological[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS097 For their numbers, ferocity, and destructive arcane knowledge, thralls are still unarmoured, and thus theoretically simple to dispatch. Many of the strategies and tools employed by a Templar in their combat training assume a foe as heavily protected as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS098 The ultimate malleability of a thrall’s unprotected body is a realization which has turned the tide in many a fight against them, both in Llyri and throughout Erj—while a shocking and disorienting threat at first, well-equipped adversaries facing a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS099 But for the sylph artisans who produce them, few know of what specific steps the process of creating a Llyrian candle is comprised. This mystique, paired with the candle’s telltale green flame when lit, creates in non-sylph a particular[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…