
Erj’s Sun hangs in the late afternoon sky, casting long shadows across Ras Huran’s rooftops. Tendrils pulled from the clouds reach toward the ring of the Sun, swirling around it. A three-armed statue holding a fishing spear towers above the city’s skyline. A banner flaps in the breeze.

The quiet is broken by a shout.

IKKOBAR [ angry ]


Three men chase a young girl through a busy market. She clutches a bag to her chest as she runs through the tightly packed crowd of vendors and customers.



The girl smiles, deftly darting between surprised cityfolk.The three men are in close pursuit as they push through the crowd, shoving people out of the way.


Get back here, kid!



Welcome to Rising Sand! Looks like Dal’s in trouble already. This space will be used periodically to expound on concepts from the story for readers who would like to learn more about the world of RS and how it works, as well as for announcements and housekeeping.

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Bienvenue dans Rising Sand ! Apparemment, Dal a déjà des ennuis. Cet emplacement sera périodiquement utilisé pour développer des concepts explorés dans l’histoire pour les lecteurs qui souhaiteraient en apprendre plus sur l'univers de RS et son fonctionnement, ainsi que pour des annonces et des informations.

BlueskyPatreon | Ko-fi | Mastodon | Discord