Archive for qebrus
RS007 Glass—the primary currency and commodity of Erj. Glass is generally traded in quantities of small, smooth stones which have no predetermined value; rather, they are individually rated for their purity. Common, lower-grade glass is used in the production of weapons[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS008 Dal and Qebrus share not only a friendship, but a working relationship, as well. Being a 13-year-old professional thief in a city like Ras Huran is not without its risks, and so Qebrus plays the muscle in exchange for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS009 As most of the denizens of Erj, Qebrus’ sect, the Luminous Body, worships Nyue, the god of existence. In contrast to her mother Ybris, the god of nonexistence, Nyue tends to engender a spirit of bounty, wealth, and vitality,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS010 Ras Huran’s docks are a time capsule, a monument to the tides that slammed into the harbour and effectively slew the city. The endless wreckage has been left untouched for years—at least officially. Over time, Ras Huran’s poorest citizens[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS011 …And so, as reparation for her gracious gift of life, Ybris bid that all things brought to being for Nyue’s sustenance ultimately be returned; every thing that lives must die, and every stone must become dust. Should this agreement[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS018 The Luminous Body is a monastic order in the South whose agents, the Decadents, are unmistakable for their elaborate and unweildly appearance. The Luminous Body take Nyue’s characterization as existence quite literally. To them, she is the material world[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS019 A Decadent’s primary ambition is Cynosure, a state of being that transcends the mundane and renders the worthy individual visible to Nyue’s grace. Decadents labour their entire lives, collecting vast stores of wealth and ornamenting themselves with fantastic arrays[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS020 It is a common erjan misconception that all Decadents are necessarily eidolan, and understandably so—the physical rigours endured by acolytes of the Luminous Body are extreme, to say the least, and non-eidolan Decadents often don’t last long. When injured,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…