RS012 Erj is not without its violence, and neither is Rising Sand; while scenes of graphic violence will be occasional and brief, they will exist. Please exercise discretion.
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RS013 After having been admitted to the seminary of the sylph Astral Templar, initiates undergo a procedure that places a small valve just above the sternum, allowing for proper respiratory interface with Templar armour. These heavy moonstone suits, in addition[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS014 ‘Moonstone’, as it is generally called, is a material found exclusively at sylph archaeological sites in Llyri. Malleable, durable, and yet lightweight, moonstone is a highly sought—and expensive—commodity with myriad applications, including the armour of the Astral Templar. In[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS015 Thralls of Ybris plague the wastelands of Erj, indiscriminantly attacking travellers of any class or purpose. While the sylph revere Ybris as a benevolent deity, Ybric thralls interpret her nothingness as a call to action—namely, to help return all[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS016 The eidola are somewhat of a mystery to erjan and sylph alike and, as the clear racial minority in Erj, they are generally regarded as second-class citizens, with very few rights. A statuesque appearance and telltale luminescent eyes make[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS017 While most erjan cultures see Ybris as little more than Nyue’s malevolent mother, the sylph revere her as the potential of all of creation, ignoring Nyue’s existence altogether. The sylph believe in their own Celestial Heritage—that they are literally[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS022 Several sylph archaeological expeditions to the lands surrounding Llyri have uncovered evidence that the suneaters and sylph share a common ancestor. Birdbone tools and other artifacts found at ancient sylph sites seem to indicate that, at one time, the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS023 While the Astral Templar may be the hand of the sylph theocracy, scholars of the Celestial Heritage Conservatory are certainly its voice. Equal parts cleric, educator, and arbiter of the law, scholars are well-respected members of sylph society, asserting[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS024 As ash has difficulty accumulating over water, it’s no surprise that the sylph city state of Llyri is a shoreline settlement. The sylph have done much to mitigate the harmful effects of Erj’s ash within their borders, from the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
RS026 The xihra is a valuable animal, especially to the sylph, for its indiscriminate diet—it is one of the few creatures in Erj capable of digesting the ubiquitous ash blooms. Indeed, xi/ra in Old Sylph (and incidentally, Suneater) translates roughly as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…