
Discovered in J701 by suneater silicantors experimenting with a new diglass pigmentation technique, the fledgling practice of fingerprint identification has become increasingly popular among the nine clans for a variety of applications, from legal authentication to forensic analysis. One of the silicantors who made the discovery—Xjvsh, Vigilant of the Dusk—has in the intervening time taken the concept in a wholly different direction: preservation.

With the permission of the suneater augury, Xjvsh has spent the past fourteen years working in the suneater archive at Thola Uej, carefully transferring onto parchment the fingerprints of suneaters both living and dead, directly from the painted markings on their birdskulls. As Xjvsh sees it, this project is at once history, science, and art, and she hopes it will help the ever-advancing suneater culture better connect with its past.

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